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The ideological and intellectual foundations of dialogue in Islam

The role of women in approving draft laws in the House of Representatives

The general population census and its economic effects

Readings on the draft amendment to the Personal Status Law

Building trust and strengthening national identityMigration, asylum, and humanitarian challenges between international responsibility and national obligationsInternational policies and strategies in the Middle East After the recent events in GazaReadings on the draft amendment to the Personal Status LawConference on building confidence and strengthening national identityExplanatory criticism and its impact on the recipient The importance of the political participation of youth and women in the electoral process as candidates and votersPreparations for the eleventh and third international scientific conferenceDr. Al-Baghdadi serves as acting chairman of the Board of Trustees of the House of WisdomIntellectual and jurisprudential principles of Islamic dialogue - Shiite scholars as a modelThe impact of religious authority on societal securityThe general population census and its economic effectsThe role of women in approving draft laws in the House of RepresentativesThe ideological and intellectual foundations of dialogue in IslamCalvinism as a new theory in theater semioticsWestern feminism and the Islamization of the conceptWomen and social change: a necessity or a need - a contemporary Islamic visionWhen we translate our literary productionThe Hanafis and their role in the unity of the nationElectronic governance and geographic information systemsArtificial intelligence and its applicationsMeaning in body languageInternational humanitarian law and the legal status of war crimes against GazaPrinciples of total quality management in the Qur’an and SunnahSelf-sufficiency is one of the keys to the balance of powerWhere is the new world order headed?Common linguistic origins of the Semitic languages The Mandaean language as a modelProtecting the family and strengthening its bondsThe economic blockade on Iraq for the period 1990-2003. Conditions and horrors Read the file of the tenth issue of Rwaq magazineNon-interest banks between theory and practice in IraqIntellectual and psychological security...and mechanisms for activating itGeological sites and their role in achieving sustainable tourism developmentLet us protect the innocence of our children from smoking Religious discourse and its role in achieving social change Endoscopy features and application barriersZionist violations of the environment of Gaza City and international humanitarian lawLanguage, discourse and powerGeopolitical transformations in Chinese-Gulf relationsViolence against women...a contemporary vision of underlying patternsUr Gate's experience in enhancing digital transformation and Iraqi citizen interactionCreating the Arabic dictionary between preserving the originality of the language and the necessities of renewalEmploying digital content to spread the Islamic religionThe translated text and the problem of influence Dialogues about causes and solutionsThe scourge of drugs and its harm to the family and societyThe authority of religious discourse and its impact on contemporary intellectual issuesWater policy in Iraq: reality and ambitionThe book industry in Iraq... between tradition and modernityEnergy self-sufficiency is one of the keys to the balance of powerThe impact of Islamic philosophy on Jewish philosophyTowards a strategic vision for the Iraqi economyThe International Scientific Conference on the occasion of thirteen centuries since the founding of the city of Baghdad

receipt of scientific research


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